Zora’s Daughters, an initiative of the Asante Art Institute, is a creative writing and literacy program for girls ages 8-18 years old. Through reading, writing, and public speaking, we help girls build their confidence so they can speak up for themselves and their community. This fall we will be collaborating with Prep4Life to write performance pieces for the Asante Holiday Jubilee. Zora’s Daughters participants may even perform in the show! We will also be celebrating our Black Girl Magic by exploring themes of self-love, beauty, and identity.
Workshops will be held on Saturdays from 10 AM – 12 PM, Sept. 24 – Dec. 4, at the Indiana State Museum (650 W. Washington St., 46204). A $25 activity fee is required for participation. Click here to register: https://forms.gle/ErrozXWbaWMJG6v19. For more information, please contact Camike Jones at cjones@asanteartinstitute.org.